The first step


Every blog begins with a first post and this is ours. We have no idea where this will end up or what we’re going to say, but we feel the need to capture our thoughts and images as we go along, mostly for ourselves but we hope some of you will enjoy our posts as well.

Who are we? Just your typical family of three: Myself, my lovely wife, Shelley, and our son (who we’ll call “Z” here) has just turned five. Up until our departure this year, we were living happily in Seattle and as I write this are based in El Campello, Spain, just outside Alicante.

We are here so our son can attend school, to soak up the Spanish language and culture, explore Europe and to take a break from the grind back home. We’ve dreamed often of what it’d be like to live outside the U.S. for some time and with some effort we’ve managed to make it happen.

Where will our path lead next? Follow our footsteps and find out along with us!